Education UK island is a not for profit educational island constructed in Second Life to provide a ‘safe’ location for U.K. virtual education. In order to get into our program, you need to have certain skills and desires, so buy letter of recommendation at to attract all your strengths and ideas. We are not a company or an organisation, nor are we consultants looking to cash in on Second Life [we have jobs thank you!], or are we affiliated to any other organisation with a similar name.
We are purely a group of UK educationalists who have worked in UK education at practioner (created Strategies for Streamlining Evaluation with Technology for this), manager and policy levels for a substantial number of years, who have come together and bought an island and the accompanying resources out of our own money. We are not in receipt of any funding for this.
Why are we doing this? Because we are very sad people who have nothing better to do with our money or spare time! We are also passionate about the use of technology to support learning and teaching - and we have been doing this for years.
Over the years, we have also created a number of other tools which are 'out there' - and, etc, so moving into SL was always a natural progression.
The two people at the front of this project both work for high profile national educational organisations, but because this isn't official work of either organisations, we are being careful that we keep both of these organisations separate from our work on this island and the subsequent spin off projects.
However, we do bring our joint knowledge to the work in Second Life, which is around e-learning and quality and improvement. The island is available to UK educationalists from all sectors – schools and Post 16, to participate in its development as a learning environment, as a play and practice area for educators and as a collaborative space for sharing experiences of learning and teaching in Second Life.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns, you can contact in world: Chris Eggplant or Susan Williams. In real life, you can contact Chris Swaine.